A few questions

Home Forums Melody Theme Support A few questions

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    Don WallerDon Waller
    • Topics: 12
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    Member since: October 14, 2014

    I just bought Music Studio for a client, and I think it’s going to work really well. I do have a few questions regarding setup of the theme and making a few changes.

    First – is there a way to change the ‘off-state’ color of the navigation links from red to pink? Where would I make those changes?

    I also installed the Cyclone Slider plugin, but I’m not seeing how to get it to work on the home page. Where do I find the place to insert the shortcode for the slider?


    Thanks as always.



    Don WallerDon Waller
    • Topics: 12
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    Member since: October 14, 2014

    A couple more questions, as I work my way through…

    Where do you enter the ‘Welcome to our Studio’ text, and how do you link the ‘read more’ button to a page?

    Social settings – My client only has accounts on Facebook and Twitter. I went into the Social settings and removed the ‘stock’ links for the rest of the social media sites, but they seem to keep coming back. How do I turn them off once and for all?

    Again, thanks!

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: June 12, 2013

    Hi Don,

    Sorry about it. Can you send us an email with WordPress admin and ftp details we will set up the site and also the social icons bug removed.

    Anything else you need from us do write in the email.


    Don WallerDon Waller
    • Topics: 12
    • Replies: 15
    • Total: 27
    Member since: October 14, 2014

    I was able to remove the extra social icons through the editor and got the <span> color change done.

    Will send email shortly. Thanks!


    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
    • Topics: 10
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    Member since: June 12, 2013

    Email edits were completed.


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